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Discover the captivating world of Fannie Price Novels, where each story invites you on a thrilling journey through imagination and emotion. Dive into her latest works and experience the magic that has enchanted readers everywhere.

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life...And I'm feeling good!Welcome to 2025!

If this is your first time here, welcome! I'm so glad you found my literary corner of the internet. Please explore and get acquainted with the urban fantasy novels I have to offer.

Ebooks and regular-priced paperbacks are available at most online booksellers, or purchase exclusive discounted paperbacks available only through Platinum Dragon Publishing bookstore

Did I mention there are freebies? Download free digital copies of The Cambion Rider Chronicles prelude and interludes, as well as free excerpts of all the novels. All the things to help get readers acquainted with my urban fantasy worlds.

Not new to the site? Keep reading to discover the exciting things happening in 2025!

Something is brewing in the caldron


​Add one werewolf who doesn’t want to confront the nightmares of her past, with an angel she hasn’t spoken to in a year, and have them search the Irish countryside for something precious he’s lost. Will Amina’s and Vilhelm’s journey together just lead them further apart?


  • Events! One of my goals of 2025 is to attend more conventions and book festivals. Check out the new events page for upcoming opportunities to meet in person.

  • Dead Souls, (working title) the next novel in The Cambion Rider Chronicles is currently STILL in the first draft writing stage. ETA on readiness and release is 2025. While I can confirm it will be prior to September, I can't confirm the exact date yet.


Check back for more updates on what 2025 holds, and as always... Happy Reading​​​​​!

From Platinum Dragon Publishing:

The Cambion Rider Chronicles Series

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Moon & Magic Series


Moon & Magic Origins: Tales of Amina and Vilhelm


From Write Volumes:

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